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2017: Water Filters and  a Second Schoolhouse

After the success of the Sret Village schoolhouse project, we learned of the need of another schoolhouse for 480 children in Beng Village. This was another $80,000 project, which we again partnered with the British Schools Foundation in England and the Trailblazer Foundation to complete. In 2017 we worked to raise the needed money   by opening "Pop-Up" shops in our town and organizing

fund raising events at our schools. By the end of 2017 we had raised the needed funds for the new schoolhouse.  

We returned to Cambodia in early 2018 to hand out 800 more water filters and to visit the future site of the new schoolhouse in Beng Province.  The construction of Beng School started in the late spring of 2018.





The Water Movement

26 Browns Lane

Bellport, NY 11713


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